“The Olga Forrai Foundation has been a major supporter and motivator for me throughout my career. They first gave me a scholarship to travel to Italy and study Italian and music while I was in the Lindemann young artist program. That summer shaped my future in more ways than I could have known. I fell in love with Rome and learned immeasurable things about myself and music. Now many moons later I live in Rome and continue to use the knowledge I gained on that trip in my career and even personal life.
Most recently I got my first contracts for Cavalleria Rusticana and Turandot. With the help of the Olga Forrai Foundation I debuted both roles with much success. It was right before Covid, and without their help I don’t know that I would have been able to continue through the pandemic and be as well prepared as I was. The foundation’s faith in me has helped me blossom into the person I have always wanted to become and I am finally seeing that girl in the mirror. Thank you so much!!!!”